divendres, 17 de gener del 2014

Cova da Baleia and the earliest domestic architectures of earth in central and southern Portugal

Conferència : Cova da Baleia and the earliest domestic architectures
of earth in central and southern Portugal
Ana Catarina SOUSA - Universidade do Lisboa / UNIARQ (Portugal)

Dimarts, 21 de gener de 2014 - a les 12:00 h.
Delegació del CSIC a Catalunya - C / Egipciaques, 15 – Barcelona

In the center and south of Portugal, several prehistoric sites with high densities of clay structures have been detected in the last 15 years. The complexity and the typology of the clay structures identified seemed to indicate a Neolithic chronology, but the lithic industry and the scarcity of ceramics point towards an early phase. Cova da Baleia (Mafra, Lisboa) is the biggest site known, with a high number of archaeological structures (128) which were dated from the Boreal period. The number of the clay structures, the specialization of the lithic socials» (CSIC industry seems to indicate a functional specificity, hypothesis currently in research.

Grup de Recerca "Arqueologia de les dinàmiques socials (CSIC-IMF)
Departament d'Arqueologia i Antropologia IMF-CSIC

En colaboració amb:
Grup de recerca consolidat AGREST SGR2009-00734 (AGAUR-Generalitat de Catalunya)
Proyecto de investigación HAR2011-23149 (Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad)

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