The Mediterranean
Seminar de la Universitat de California Santa Cruz i Colorado Boulder organitza
a Barcelona el seu Summer Institute for College and University Professors
finançat pel National Endowment for the Humanities, que té com a seu
institucional de referència la Institució Milà i Fontanals del CSIC. En aquesta
edició, està dedicat a “Negociating Identities. Expression and Representation
in the Christian-Jewish-Muslim Mediterranean”.
Les conferències seran entre els dies 13 i el
21 de juliol, i aniran a càrrec de John Tolan, Marcus Milwright, Thomas Burman
i Cecily Hilsdale.
Instituco Milà i Fontanals (CSIC) (C/ Egipcíaques 14 - 08001-Barcelona)
NEGOTIATING IDENTITIES. Expression and Representation in the Christian – Jewish –
Muslim Mediterranean
Dilluns, 6 de juliol
11:00h SHARON KINOSHITA (University of California), "Thinking Mediterranean." What are the
uses (and abuses) of "Mediterranean" as a category of Analysis? What might it mean to "think
Mediterranean" in fields such as literature and history?
11:45h BRIAN CATLOS (University of Colorado at Boulder, University of California Santa Cruz),
"Ethno-Religious Diversity in the Medieval Mediterranean: An Historical Introduction"
Dimarts, 7 de juliol
15:00h BRIAN CATLOS (University of Colorado at Boulder, University of California Santa Cruz),
"Mutual Intelligibility and the Culture of the Mediterranean"
16:00h SHARON KINOSHITA (University of California), "Texts in/and the Medieval Mediterranean"
What are the Characteristics of a "Mediterranean" text?
Dilluns, 13 de juliol
11:00h SHARON KINOSHITA (University of California), "What's In a Name: Changing Identities in
Medieval Mediterranean Literature"
12:15h BRIAN CATLOS (University of Colorado at Boulder, University of California Santa Cruz),
"Plural Societies in the Medieval Mediterranean: A Matter of Convenience"
15:00h JOHN TOLAN (Université de Nantes), "From Baptizing Muslim Babies to Selling Tiny Knives and Teensy-Weensy Nails: the Legal Conundrum Faced by Friar Confessors in Tunis in 1234"
16:15h MARCUS MILWRIGHT (University of Victoria), "Propaganda and Audience: Visual Culture and the Communication of Ideology in the Medieval Period"
Dilluns, 20 de juliol
15:00h BRIAN CATLOS (University of Colorado at Boulder, University of California Santa Cruz), "Ethno-Religious Relations & Physics of Scale"
16:15h SHARON KINOSHITA (University of California), "Materializing the Literary History of the Mediterranean"
Dimarts, 21 de juliol
15:00h THOMAS BURMAN (University of Tennessee – Knoxville), "Ramon Marti and the People of the Book: Jews, Muslims, and the Limits of Christian Mission in the Thirteenth-Century"
16:15h CECILY HILSDALE (McGill University), "The Art of the Gift in the Medieval Mediterranean"
Dimarts, 28 de juliol
15:00h SHARON KINOSHITA (University of California), "A New Literary History of the Medieval Mediterranean"
16:15h BRIAN CATLOS (University of Colorado at Boulder, University of California Santa Cruz), "The Paradoxes of Plurality and Diversity in the Medieval Mediterranean"
Instituco Milà i Fontanals (CSIC) (C/ Egipcíaques 14 - 08001-Barcelona)
NEGOTIATING IDENTITIES. Expression and Representation in the Christian – Jewish –
Muslim Mediterranean
Dilluns, 6 de juliol
11:00h SHARON KINOSHITA (University of California), "Thinking Mediterranean." What are the
uses (and abuses) of "Mediterranean" as a category of Analysis? What might it mean to "think
Mediterranean" in fields such as literature and history?
11:45h BRIAN CATLOS (University of Colorado at Boulder, University of California Santa Cruz),
"Ethno-Religious Diversity in the Medieval Mediterranean: An Historical Introduction"
Dimarts, 7 de juliol
15:00h BRIAN CATLOS (University of Colorado at Boulder, University of California Santa Cruz),
"Mutual Intelligibility and the Culture of the Mediterranean"
16:00h SHARON KINOSHITA (University of California), "Texts in/and the Medieval Mediterranean"
What are the Characteristics of a "Mediterranean" text?
Dilluns, 13 de juliol
11:00h SHARON KINOSHITA (University of California), "What's In a Name: Changing Identities in
Medieval Mediterranean Literature"
12:15h BRIAN CATLOS (University of Colorado at Boulder, University of California Santa Cruz),
"Plural Societies in the Medieval Mediterranean: A Matter of Convenience"
15:00h JOHN TOLAN (Université de Nantes), "From Baptizing Muslim Babies to Selling Tiny Knives and Teensy-Weensy Nails: the Legal Conundrum Faced by Friar Confessors in Tunis in 1234"
16:15h MARCUS MILWRIGHT (University of Victoria), "Propaganda and Audience: Visual Culture and the Communication of Ideology in the Medieval Period"
Dilluns, 20 de juliol
15:00h BRIAN CATLOS (University of Colorado at Boulder, University of California Santa Cruz), "Ethno-Religious Relations & Physics of Scale"
16:15h SHARON KINOSHITA (University of California), "Materializing the Literary History of the Mediterranean"
Dimarts, 21 de juliol
15:00h THOMAS BURMAN (University of Tennessee – Knoxville), "Ramon Marti and the People of the Book: Jews, Muslims, and the Limits of Christian Mission in the Thirteenth-Century"
16:15h CECILY HILSDALE (McGill University), "The Art of the Gift in the Medieval Mediterranean"
Dimarts, 28 de juliol
15:00h SHARON KINOSHITA (University of California), "A New Literary History of the Medieval Mediterranean"
16:15h BRIAN CATLOS (University of Colorado at Boulder, University of California Santa Cruz), "The Paradoxes of Plurality and Diversity in the Medieval Mediterranean"
les sessions tindran lloc a la Sala d’Actes de la Institució Milà i
Fontanals – CSIC (Barcelona, c/ de les Egipcíaques, 15).
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